Compact MFDs
Until now the MFDs, monitors and the electronics for them have been mounted seperately on the middle console. (more…)
Until now the MFDs, monitors and the electronics for them have been mounted seperately on the middle console. (more…)
Simputer and Outputer got new hardware! (more…)
Long time no update on this website – I had too many other things in my mind (family, work and other hobbies).
That changed some weeks ago, when my 6-year old daughter decided she wanted to try out the simulator. (more…)
Last year I began to redesign my workshop, because I started to get a bit more into woodworking and the 23 sqaremeter are quite small, so I had to think it through. (more…)
When I flew the sim I realized that the position of the seat wasn’t completely ok. (more…)
After quite some work the room for the simulator has been finished The screen has been mounted and the carpet is in, additionally I could also do the necessary paint jobs on the wall. Some things will have to be done in the workshop to make working in ther easier My goal…
The screen for the projection has been mounted on the wall. It’s a cheap IKEA Tupplur screen, tests will follow. (more…)
Our daughter Johanna was born in January, 2012. From this day on, our live change dramatically *g*. The sim had to move out of the children's room and so it was time to adapt the basement. Base work on the simroom has been done. Here's how it looked at the beginning after…
Except the CautionPanel all lamp-outputs of the sim are done and working. Last weekend I finished the ELEC and EPU panel: (more…)
The selfsoldered LED-Controller are done at last! One is already working inside the left console and lights up importand LEDs like the gear lights. I also made 2 videos of functional parts: Functionality of the magnetic switch Response times of the DED-LCD
The right frontpanel has been finished, as I intented to. MFD and DED are fully functioning and display the correct data out of Falcon: Until I manage to build my physical instruments like ADI, RPM, and so on, these data will be displayed on the two MFD-monitors with FalconGauges. Now all important…
The DED (DataEntryDisplay) on the right frontpanel is working! First I created the case to mount the LCD to the glareshield and now the data transfer from Falcon is running great!
After 6 years a new simputer was obtained - the old one was not able to give a smooth flying feeling. Since I don't plan to buy a new rig in the next years, I decided to get something more "high-end"ish. ASUS P5B Motherboard (front left) Intel Core2Duo E6600 2.4GHz CPU (front…
The IOCards are fully funtioning and controlling the lamps on the frontpanel! Sadly the pictures don't look as good as in reality The left panel shows important information (HSI and RWR) with FalconGauges: To finish the frontpanel, DED and the right MFD-monitor have to be installed.
At last something is working as I planned it! The left MFD in "operational" state: And from the "pilot's view":