News of the last 5 years

Our daughter Johanna was born in January, 2012. From this day on, our live change dramatically *g*. The sim had to move out of the children's room and so it was time to adapt the basement. Base work on the simroom has been done. Here's how it looked at the beginning after…

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New Simputer

After 6 years a new simputer was obtained - the old one was not able to give a smooth flying feeling. Since I don't plan to buy a new rig in the next years, I decided to get something more "high-end"ish. ASUS P5B Motherboard (front left) Intel Core2Duo E6600 2.4GHz CPU (front…

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Inputs at last

Now, since the "hardware"-part of panelmaking is done, I could start with connecting the panels to the GammaRay-Inputcard. Both MFDs, the ICP and the MISC panel are working, and move the corresponding switches/buttons in Falcon:AF. Until the end of August, I plan to have all panels connected an working.

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